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Our Mission

International Organization regulation standards


1.Generalities, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation

2.Services, Company organization, management and quality, Administration, Transport, Sociology

3.Natural and applied sciences

4.Health care technology

5.Environment, Health protection, Safety

6.Metrology and measurement, Physical phenomena


8.Mechanical systems and components for general use

9.Fluid systems and components for general use

10.Manufacturing engineering

11.Energy and heat transfer engineering

12.Electrical engineering


14.Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering

15.Information technology

16.Image technology

17.Precision mechanics

18.Materials handling equipment

19.Packaging and distribution of goods

20.Food technology

21.Domestic and commercial equipment


Desert in Dark
Wavy Circles

Our Story

Desert Rocks

Organizing Festivals and competitions internationally Organizing


1.General Eligibility 

2.Rules of Conduct 

3.Competition Signup AND Closing 


5.Competition Categories 

6.Makeup and Wardrobe Competition

7.Performance Competition 

8.Skills Competition 

9.All Around Festival 

10.Master of the Competition 

Wild Forest
Desert Mountains

Organizing the way academic education is conducted in its stages

University from the organizational perspective:

1. Universities, teaching, and learning

2. Teaching matters, too: Different ways of governing a disregarded institution

3. Bridging the duality between universities and the academic profession: A tale of protected spaces, strategic gaming and institutional entrepreneurs

4. Organizing and managing university education

2.Organizing teaching

5. Toward a conceptualization of faculty decision-making about curricular and instructional change

6. Institutional (teaching) entrepreneurs wanted! – Considerations on the professoriate’s potency to enhance academic teaching

7. Organizing teaching in Chinese universities

Part 3. Organizing learning

8. Learners and Organizations: competing patterns of risk, trust and responsibility

9. Organizing teaching in project teacher teams across established disciplines using wearable technology – Digital Didactical Designing a new form of practice

10. Changing organizational structure and culture to enhance teaching and learning

Part 4. Organizing identities

11. Multiversity's and academic identities: change, continuities and complexities

12. Boundary crossing and maintenance Toward hybrid identities of academic entrepreneurs

13. University academic promotion system and academic identity: An institutional logics perspective Conclusion


Abstract Lines

Experienced Leadership

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